Our Ribbon Cutting
On November 12th, 2021, Bella Vita Salt Caves cut the ribbon. After working with Barry Kirkoff from St. Cloud State University Business Center for 5 years, Bella Vita finally cut the ribbon representing a huge accomplishment.Bella Vita first brought a very rough draft of a business plan to the Business Center in 2016. The plan was to build a $750,000.00 healing resort. Barry, his very talented staff, and myself worked on the plan for 5 years. After countless revisions and being told, “that won’t work”, we finally got to looking for the perfect building November 2020.
Bella Vita found it’s perfect home in April 2021 right here in the heart of Downtown St. Cloud. After 7 months of building and planning and a huge team of builders, creators, and brains, we were finally ready to open to the public.
I want to thank everyone who helped put together the ideas of Bella Vita and all the supporters. Also thank you for your continued support as we grow!
Bella Vita is a proud member and supporter of the Salt Therapy Association